Blogs > Cliopatria > Roy Rosenzweig

Oct 12, 2007

Roy Rosenzweig

I never had the pleasure of meeting historian Roy Rosenzweig but I am fortunate enough to have read his books and listened to his words.

He passed away at the age of 57.

His colleague, T. Mills Kelly:
Remembering Roy Rosenzweig:

Roy invented Digital History as a field of serious scholarly endeavor. Before Roy got involved I’m sure there were others who were playing around with what digital media might mean to our professional practice. But it was Roy who made Digital History into a professional field. For that alone, the profession and many subsequent generations of history students will be forever indebted to this great man.

He was, and will always remain, an inspiration for historians.

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More Comments:

Claire B. Potter - 10/13/2007

Eveyrbody loved him.

CLaire (the Tenured Radical)

Rob MacDougall - 10/13/2007

This is a very sad loss - to Roy's family and friends, obviously, and to everyone at George Mason and the Center for History and New Media, but really to everybody who cares about history and the internet - which I should imagine includes anybody reading this. Even if you didn't know him, perhaps even if you hadn't heard of him, you have probably profited by his work. Roy will be missed.