Blogs > Liberty and Power > May We All Agree This Is Theft?

Oct 10, 2007

May We All Agree This Is Theft?

Israeli army orders confiscation of Palestinian land in West Bank.

"The Israeli army has ordered the seizure of Palestinian land surrounding four West Bank villages apparently in order to hugely expand settlements around Jerusalem, it emerged yesterday.

"The confiscation happened as Israeli and Palestinian negotiators met to prepare the ground for a meeting hosted by President George Bush in the United States aimed at reviving a diplomatic solution to the conflict.

"However, critics said the confiscation of land suggested that Israel was imposing its own solution on the Palestinians through building roads, barriers and settlements that would render a Palestinian state unviable."

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More Comments:

Mark Brady - 10/11/2007

My post was predicated on the (likely) assumption that a state (Israel) had appropriated land that is privately owned by Palestinians. Do you know for a fact that this was not the case?

Francois Tremblay - 10/11/2007

One illegitimate entity seizes control of land from another illegitimate entity. It can't be theft because it did not belong to "Palestine" to begin with.

Anthony Gregory - 10/10/2007

Yes, and, for that matter, if a government has any property, it's a safe bet that it was stolen.

Steven Horwitz - 10/10/2007

Whatever the purpose may be, a taking is a taking.