Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday Notes

May 11, 2009

Wednesday Notes

Tiruncula will host an ancient/medieval edition of Carnivalesque Logo at Practica on Tuesday 25 September. Send your nominations of the best in ancient/medieval history blogging since 22 July to tiruncula*at*gmail* dot*com or use the form.

Rick Weiss,"Vanishing Languages Identified," Washington Post, 19 September, flags five areas of the world where traditional languages are most threatened with extinction: Oklahoma, northern Australia, central South America, the northwest Pacific plateau, and eastern Siberia.

Holland Cotter,"Golden Age, Swallowed up by the Gilded Age," NYT, 18 September, reviews"The Age of Rembrandt: Dutch Painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art," NYT, an exhibit at NYC's Met. It is arranged, oddly enough, as a history of American collecting.

William Grimes,"Two Victorian-Era Enemies, Just Made for Each Other," NYT, 19 September, reviews Richard Aldous's The Lion and the Unicorn: William Gladstone vs. Benjamin Disraeli.

Anthony Lane,"Candid Camera," New Yorker, 24 September, on Leica, the camera of choice. Hat tip.

Niall Ferguson,"The Risk of President Guiliani," LA Times, 17 September, hits some of the right notes about Guiliani. He seems to me to be the most dangerous of the top tier candidates of either party.

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