Blogs > Liberty and Power > A Plea for Freedom of Movement for All

Sep 18, 2007

A Plea for Freedom of Movement for All

Tomorrow the Gatwick No Border Camp begins a six-day protest near Gatwick international airport south of London to campaign for"the freedom of movement for all and an end to all migration controls." Nathalie Rothschild explains what they're about and does a great job presenting the case for free international migration.

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C D Froh - 9/19/2007

I'm pleased to see this UK effort to open the borders in support of humans' right to come in or leave a country freely. This dynamic was encoded in the U.S. in 1787, when the U.S. Constitution ignored any rediculous desire (if there was any) to block immigration; indeed, the Constitution's inclusion of how newcomers could "naturalize" into citizens shows the Founders' bias in FAVOR of immigration.

Unfortunately, the post-Civil War Congress, full of hubris from its crushing of the Southern bid for independence, decided to demogogue the foreigner issue and started to ban immigration by despised characters, such as convicts, deviants and the diseased. The final blow to border freedom came in the 1890s, when the Supreme Court agreed with the ban against Chinese immigration - how fascist! As with so many other areas of obscene government coercion that exceeds Constitutional authority, we need to reinvigorate the Founders' support for immigration.

Immigration, of course, is good for the economy and good for freedom. If someone's afraid of importing terrorists, quit interfering overseas (which causes the terrorism in the first place).

Not only should we welcome immigration, but also we should keep emigration open. Escaping may be important if our growing Police State makes life intolerable.

So wake up Sheep. Understand the Founders and restore freedom at the border. If we want border control, let it happen at the boundaries of private property, not via fictional Statist lines.
