Blogs > Liberty and Power > Brutal, Unprofessional Fox Attack Interview of Ron Paul by John Gibson

Sep 16, 2007

Brutal, Unprofessional Fox Attack Interview of Ron Paul by John Gibson

When Fox News first came out, I remember urging my cable company to pick it up. I thought that it would provide more accurate reporting than CNN. Boy....was I wrong.

A recent case in point is the interview of Ron Paul by John Gibson of Fox News. Here is the audio.

I can't remember another time in American history when a mainstream media journalist has questioned a major party candidate so unprofessionally.

But the interview is still worth a few minutes of your time. Although Gibson is consistently rude, constantly on the attack, and otherwise immature, Paul more than holds his own. He even draws first blood with an effective counterattack against Gibson's employer.

Despite Gibson's repeated interuptions, Paul is on the show long enough to make his points. Paul must have several layers of extra skin to be able to take this kind of shabby treatment so gracefully.

After listening to this interview, my respect for Ron Paul is higher than ever.

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More Comments:

Sudha Shenoy - 9/16/2007

They're running scared. They'd love to turn RP into a standard kook, but of course he's very very sane. And he refuses to fit into their neat little categories, so they can't produce their standard no-thought-necessary Pavlovian patter. They actually have to think -- which is too much for some of these types...