Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Aug 29, 2007

More Noted Things

Timothy Abbot hosts History Carnival LVI at Walking the Berkshires on Saturday 1 September. Send nominations of the best in history blogging since 1 August to him at greensleevesenviro*at*sbcglobal* dot*net or use the form.

Bill Turkel's"Some Varieties of Time Machine Worth Having" Cliopatria, 27 August, seductively summons us to new ways of doing history. Dan Cohen's"Clio Wired: The Theory and Practice of Digital History" is a syllabus from which we can all learn.

Alan Jacobs,"The Youngest Brother's Tale," Books & Culture, September/October, reviews J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. With spoilers aplenty, Jacobs crowns the series the greatest"penny dreadful" ever.

Measures of August madness: Martin Lewis,"General Pace, You Can Save the US – by Arresting Bush for ‘Conduct Unbecoming'," Huffington Post, 25 August; and Philip Atkinson,"Considering the Drawbacks of Democracy," Family Security Matters, 3 August. Writers on the left and the right both argue for truncating the American experiment in democracy, one by military action that strips the President of military authority, and the other that has him seize authority as the Perpetual President. Thanks to Crooked Timber and The Volokh Conspiracy, both of which publicized folly only in the other camp.

Josh Marshall, JayRosen, MargaretSoltan, and I assure you that Michael Skube,"Blogs: All the noise that fits," LA Times, 19 August, sucks. Bloody journalism prof is hung by his own petard.

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More Comments:

Nonpartisan - 8/29/2007

Are you a Potterite? Have you joined the Grand Wizarding Club of Potter? Can you chant "Weasley Is Our King" with the best of them?

Sorry, it's a silly day for me. Carry on...

Ralph E. Luker - 8/29/2007

Thanks for the correction, but -- erm -- some of us reach larger conclusions over a typo than others of us do.

Nonpartisan - 8/29/2007

It's "Deathly Hallows," Ralph. Deathly Hallows.

Way to out yourself as a non-Potterite.
