Blogs > Liberty and Power > Monster Munch--and It May Be Because of Global Warming!

Aug 10, 2007

Monster Munch--and It May Be Because of Global Warming!

Britain is in the grip of a moth epidemic, with anti-pest call-outs up 25 per cent: they eat clothes and their larvae cause skin rashes and breathing problems. The Times correspondent and infestation victim investigates.

"There is some pretty weird stuff going on in the moth world. Although in general their numbers are declining, some species are thriving. ... And a report earlier this summer from Helsinki claimed that global warming was responsible for the arrival of vampire moths that gorge on human blood.

"But the creature that is laying waste to Britain’s wardrobes is the common clothes moth."


"The run of warm, humid summers has also provided ideal conditions for eggs to hatch successfully. 'It may well be the result of global warming, although this hasn’t yet been thoroughly researched,' says Sawas Othon, technical director for Rentokil.

""Moths like heat and humidity, so in theory an increase in temperature, such as the one we’ve seen globally, will have encouraged a faster life cycle. The humidity caused by the wet summer we’ve seen this year will also have encouraged them.'"

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