Blogs > Cliopatria > Saturday Notes

Jul 28, 2007

Saturday Notes

David Lyons reviews James Millward's Eurasian Crossroads: A History of Xinjiang, Asia Sentinel, 28 July.

Michael Dobson,"Let him be Caesar!" LRB, 2 August, reviews Nigel Cliff's The Shakespeare Riots: Revenge, Drama and Death in 19th-Century America.

In ‘I am not afraid of death'," Spiegel Online, 23 July, Der Spiegel interviews Alexander Solzhenitzen.

Quiz: Which President of the United States had a first language other than English? What was it? Which current presidential candidate reads koine Greek? Is fluent in Canadian French? Is fluent in German? What language are a number of current candidates said to be"studying"?
Bill Poser has the answers to those questions and a survey of"The Linguistic Abilities of the Presidential Candidates," Language Log, 8 July.

KC Johnson,"Ward Churchill and the Diversity Agenda," Minding the Campus/Reforming our Universities, 26 July, tracks Churchill's appointment to the University of Colorado faculty.

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