Blogs > Cliopatria > Mysteries of the Universe, Part One

Jul 19, 2007

Mysteries of the Universe, Part One

Ralph's recent mistaken reference to me as a country musician (though it is true that I have been known to associate with the Nebraska Guitar Militia) for some reason made me think of one of my favorite examples of Africa not being what most people in the West expect it to be... and that is the popularity of American Country Music in Africa.

I was in a band in Northern Nigeria during the early 1990's (mostly playing Blues, for the record), but local audiences were always yelling out for us to play country music. Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton were common requests, but without a doubt, the number one American artist was none other than Don Williams. Don is popular all over Anglophone Africa, and has even had his songs covered by artists such as the Bhundu Boys.

My fellow (American) bandmates and I were rather suprised to discover just how much people loved Don. And, the example it has served me well in classes as a way to get students to think about what they imagine Africa to be. Whether students expect the continent to be a primative tribal land or a Black nationalist paradise, the power of Don Williams to disrupt their assumptions has proved a potent teaching tool.

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More Comments:

Manan Ahmed - 7/19/2007

I am here to report that Don Williams was hugely popular on mixtapes during the early 90s. I have no idea what that says about Africa, though. And speaking of mysteries of the universe....