Blogs > Cliopatria > Saturday Notes

Jul 14, 2007

Saturday Notes

Carnivals Galore!
  • Four Stone Hearth, the anthropology/archaeology festival, goes up at Sherd Nerd on 18 July. Send your nominations of the best in anthropology/archaeology blogging since 4 July to flopearedmule*at*gmail*dot*com.
  • Asian History Carnival #16 will be held on 21 July. Use the form to send your nominations of the best in Asian history blogging since 25 June.
  • Gill Polack will host Carnivalesque Button XXIX, an ancient/ medieval edition, on 22 July at Even in a Little Thing. Use the form to send your nominations of the best in ancient/medieval history blogging since 24 May.
  • The Hoover Institution's Peter Robinson interviews Andrew Ferguson, the author of Land of Lincoln: Adventures in Abe's America. Hat tip.

    Jonah Raskin,"Kings of the Road," The Nation, 30 July, compares Jack London's The Road (1907) with Jack Keroac's On the Road (1957).

    Christopher Gray,"What the Future Looked Like Yesterday," NYT, 15 July. The Grand Towers at 1150 Grand Concourse in The Bronx were an Art Moderne take on the future in 1937. It's here and their grandeur has faded. Matt at Paleo-Future specializes in past takes on"the future that never was."

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