Blogs > Liberty and Power > Norm Coleman Betrays His Past

Jul 8, 2007

Norm Coleman Betrays His Past

Republican Senator from Minnesota Norm Coleman and National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) board member Norm Kent attended Hofstra University at the same time in the late 1960s. They became friends there and also used marijuana together. Recently Kent received a form letter from his old smoking buddy stating that "I oppose the legalization of marijuana because, as noted by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, marijuana can have serious adverse health affects on individuals. The health problems that may occur from this highly addictive drug include short-term memory loss, anxiety, respiratory illness and a risk of lung cancer that far exceeds that of tobacco products. It would also make our transportation, schools and workplaces, just as examples, more dangerous."

This event prompted Kent to write an open letter to Coleman reminding him of his past position on marijuana which had included a forceful call for legalization. Kent pointed out that, “You never said then that pot was dangerous. What was scary then, and is as frightening now, is when national leaders become voices of hypocrisy, harbingers of the status quo, and protect their own position instead of the public good. Welcome to the crowd of those who have become a likeness of which they despised. “

Faithful readers of this space may well understand Norm Kent’s anger at Coleman since there is no scientific evidence that when used sensibly and in moderation marijuana causes adverse health effects. In fact, the Drug Enforcement Agency’s own Administrative Law Judge, Francis L Young found that “Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.”

Nor is marijuana a highly addictive drug. None of the great objective commission reports from the 1894 British Indian Hemp Drugs Commission report to the recent study by the Canadian Senate and all those in between have ever found marijuana to be addictive.

Also, there is no causal relationship between marijuana and respiratory illness, including lung cancer. Indeed, Dr. Donald Tashkin of the UCLA School of Medicine, a staunch opponent of cannabis use, presented a large case-control study which showed an inverse correlation between marijuana smoking and lung cancer. And, attempts to link marijuana use with mental illness such as increased anxiety are false too.

In addition, there is little creditable evidence, despite widespread belief to the contrary, that marijuana use makes people more dangerous drivers. However, there is evidence that the opposite may be true. Certainly, we must take into consideration that marijuana prohibition encourages the consumption of more alcohol and that without doubt makes transportation, schools, and workplaces more dangerous.

Norm Kent ends his eloquent open letter with some good advice, for Norm Coleman and many others in the political class as well, saying, “How about you looking back at your past and saying: ‘What I did was not so wrong and not so bad and not so hurtful that generations of Americans should still, decades later, be going to jail for smoking pot -- nearly one million arrests for possession last year.’ Can't Norm Coleman come out of the closet in 2007 and say ‘These arrests are wrong -- that there is a better way, and we need to find it.’ You might find more integrity and honor in that then adopting the sad and sorry policy of our Office of National Drug Control Policy. You might find the person you were.”

Hat tip to Kenny Rodgers

Cross posted on The Trebach Report

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More Comments:

Robert Higgs - 7/11/2007

Here in Louisiana, where I reside, people are all atitter about Vitter, Senator David Vitter, that is, the co-author of the Federal Marriage Act whose patronization of prositutes has been a frontpage item lately. This sleaziness, of course, from a typical pontificating, family-values Republican, the sort you might expect would be secretly bonking little boys, rather than rasslin' with red-blooded American whores. Caught with his pants down, he now mouths the usual claptrap--all in my past; God and my wife have forgiven me, etc., etc. I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

Well, not actually. The entire ruling elite forms a monument to hypocrisy. If only the masses could see behind the curtains.

Worse than hypocrisy, though related, is that virtually everything the government does is a fraud, and all too often it is the exact opposite of what it purports to be. Thus, government teachers do not teach effectively; government housing does not house people decently; government police do not serve and protect (except themselves and their political masters); the department of defense does not defend us, but attacks luckless foreigners for fun and profit; and so forth. Fraud runs the government gamut from A to Z, and hypocrites preside over this rapacious apparatus.

Anthony Gregory - 7/11/2007

Such drug-war hypocrisy might be one of the most infuriating things in the political world. Politicians who at one point used drugs and now support the incarceration of peaceful people in America's rape rooms, on the grounds that these people also use drugs, make me want to break something.

Drug warriors, especially the ones who should know better, are just evil. Perhaps only drug warriors should be subject to the drug laws. God I hate these people.