Blogs > Liberty and Power > Triumph of Symbolism Over Substance

Jul 5, 2007

Triumph of Symbolism Over Substance

On the radio today the subject was did you fly the flag on the Fourth of July. The show was the Bill O'Reilly program with regular Lise Wiehl and a guest host whose name is not worth remembering. They both demonstrated that their personal flying of the flag is meaningless because neither one has a clue as to what the flag stands for. This came to my attention when they expressed support for a bill making its way through the Minnesota legislature that would make it a crime to buy an American flag not made in America.

The flag is supposed stand for freedom, you know, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So if it makes someone happy to buy an American flag manufactured in Taiwan who are they or the government for that matter to stand in that person's way? Their discussion presents us with a snapshot of what is so wrong with much of American culture these days, the triumph of symbolism over substance.

The sponsor of this law, State Rep. Tom Rukavina, DFL, those who voted for it, and those who voice support for its passage desecrate the substance that the flag symbolizes far more than anyone who burns it ever could. In fact, those who burn the American flag in protest actually are honoring that substance and it is a sign of our strength not weakness that we continue to allow that.

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More Comments:

Steve Michaels - 7/6/2007

I think this is simple-minded thinking that gets the "cheap applause" that politicians so eagerly and easily gain from the general populace of no-brain redneck Americans. Anybody that knows the basics of economics and free trade will be able to figure that one out.

I think these laws are stupid and there is no reason for them.