Blogs > Liberty and Power > Scott Horton: King of Internet Radio

Jul 1, 2007

Scott Horton: King of Internet Radio

As some of you know, I listen as often as I can to Scott Horton's daily radio show. It is an essential source to keep track of ongoing developments in American foreign policy. But Scott's fans are not limited to libertarians. Tom Sumner, a well-respected critic of Bush's run-up to the war, writes the following:

Times they are a changing, my friends), but I would like to point to Scott Horton of Antiwar Radio as the king of Internet Radio. His list of guests is stellar, and it's a testiment to his broadcasting skills that I disagree with the premise of several of his Libertarian positions, but I cannot possibly turn off his show.

For links to Scott's past and present shows, see here.

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