Blogs > Liberty and Power > Ron Paul on the Colbert Report (A Home-run for Paul)

Jun 14, 2007

Ron Paul on the Colbert Report (A Home-run for Paul)

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David T. Beito - 6/16/2007

Reaching out to blacks is an excellent idea, and not just as damage control. Blacks, after all, are far more likely to oppose the Iraq war than just about any other demographic group.

Otto M. Kerner - 6/16/2007

Discredit? The average voter loves xenophobia.

Bill Woolsey - 6/16/2007

The racist comments involved an ugly characterization of the problem of crime by black youth.

Would the Paul campaign reduce potential damage by explicitly dealing with the issue of crime in poor communities? Items that could be taken into account would be pointing out that the victims of crime are usually poor minorities. That unjust accusations and imprisonment is a serious problem, especially for poor, minority youth. That the constitutional rights of everyone (including poor, minority youth,) must be respected. This is relevant to the issue of poverty, because crime in poor communities is a deterent to economic development.

On the other hand, this is a state and local issue--something important to Paul.

The elephant in that room is the war on drugs. Important, in my opinion, but a difficult issue to broach in the Republican primaries.

Paul has a response to the Imus convtroversy online where he attacks racism as being collectivism.

What do you think of that article?

The racism remarks were brought up immediately on Daily Kos (when Paul started getting favorable publicity due to his anti-war position.)

I believe this article was cited, and some liberal commentators took it to be slightly veiled racism as well.

(I only have second hand reports of this.)

I support Paul's campaign. His statement on Iran during the NH debate can overcome many, many flaws, in my opinion.

Bill Woolsey - 6/16/2007

Antman is concerned that Paul's "xenophobia" will descredit him.

Is this a statement regarding position on immigration policy?

Or do you believe that he he fears foreigners?

Like many libertarians, I don't like Paul's position on immigration.

Perhaps it is just selective reading on my part, but he seems to emphasize problems with the welfare state.

Have I missed something?

David T. Beito - 6/15/2007

Paul should have responded earlier and much more forcefully to the racist comments written in his newsletter. Especially if his campaign gains traction, it is certain to be raised and I think that Paul is ready to respond. However, the best defense for him would be if the person who wrote those words would step forward and admit it.

Less Antman - 6/15/2007

I'm not that worried about the racism charges, since they will look like a smear and he'll be able to answer questions about them. I'm more worried that his xenophobia will discredit him (although his immigration view actually reminds me of LP Candidate Ed Clark's 1980 "we can't have free immigration until we achieve full employment" position).

Frankly, I think Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert all went out of their way to avoid talking about his views on immigration and gays in the military, and seem determined to present him favorably on their shows, because of his views on the war and civil liberties. So much the better, and I do think the appearance on Colbert was a home run, but I think we need to be prepared for some future discomfort with this candidacy.

Of course, Paul has consistently maintained that he is a conservative, and nowhere claims to be a libertarian in his campaign.

Bill Woolsey - 6/15/2007

He started off strong, but then when Colbert went to the "raise your hands if you believe..." I thought it wasn't so good. The studio audience didn't respond well. I doubt if the audience at home was much better.

I don't know what he should have done differently.... I suppose the only alternative is to refuse to play that game. I do want Paul to make it clear that he favors cutting the size of government.

Now that I have made a comment on topic, I am interested on folks opinions about Paul's alleged racism.

I don't believe Paul is a racist, but some rather ugly things were written in his name some time ago.

Is this likely to be a problem in terms of maximizing his political support in this campaign? What can be done about it?