Blogs > Cliopatria > Saturday Notes

Jun 9, 2007

Saturday Notes

Diggers and Pointers: Four Stone Hearth XVI, the anthropology/archaeology festival, is up at Testimony of the Spade.

Finkelstein Vigil: Norman Finkelstein has apparently been denied tenure at DePaul. Peter Kirstein reports that its president took the unusual step of notifying the AAUP of his decision.

Countervailing Reminders:
a) Robert Satloff's Among the Righteous: Lost Stories of the Holocaust's Long Reach into Arab Lands tells the untold stories of Arabs who sheltered Jews during the Holocaust. Less startling, Yasemin Sim Esmen,"An exhibit to commemorate the not very well known," Turkish Daily News, 9 June, revisits the experience of German nationals who fled from the Nazis and found refuge in Turkey. Thanks to Manan Ahmed.
b) John S. Rigdon,"Eisenhower, scientists, and Sputnik," physics, June, recalls a time when a Republican president embraced the work of serious scientists.
c) So, you thought that"blackface" is found these days only among indiscrete and inebriate undergraduates? No, praise Jesus! The good Christians of Riverdale, California, feature it at their church festival. Thanks to Chris Bray.

Geek Alert: Johnny ‘DocEvil' Titanium introduces"The Art of Wikigroaning," Something Awful, 5 June. I blame Manan for this.

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