Blogs > Liberty and Power > Last Night's Debate

Jun 6, 2007

Last Night's Debate

Richard Adams of the Guardian summarizes last night's pseudo-debate between the ten candidates for the Republican presidential nomination. His verdict on the proceedings:"What a f***ing shower! The only person who ever says anything sane is crazy Ron."

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Mark Brady - 6/6/2007

I think the description of Ron Paul is a "very inconsistent libertarian" is a bit strong.

Perhaps Richard Adams had Paul's opposition to Roe v. Wade in mind although Paul's position is based on his view of the Constitution and doesn't turn on his own opposition to abortion.

Or perhaps he had Paul's stance on immigration in mind. Self-identified libertarians are all over the place on immigration so perhaps you wish to cut him some slack on that issue.

That said, Paul is running for the Republican nomination, not the Libertarian nomination, so we really shouldn't expect him to be a consistent libertarian, however defined.

The bottom line is I'm very glad he's in the race. He rightly points out that the war is the number one issue, which is more than many self-identified libertarians recognize. And he's telling the truth to the Republican base, which, except for a few people, doesn't want to hear it.

Ernest Edward Roberts - 6/6/2007

Though Adams seemed to recognize that Ron Paul was the only sane person onstage, he still labors under the delusion that Giuliani somehow "smacked Paul around" in the South Carolina debate.

Apparently, Adams doesn't know or care what a libertarian is, if he thinks that Paul is an inconsistent libertarian. I suppose he thinks that Bill Maher is a libertarian, which may be clouding his judgement of Ron Paul's libertarian credentials.

Referring to Dr. Paul as "Crazy Ron" and acting surprised that Paul seems the only sane candidate simply shows the shallowness of Adams' understanding of and attention to the debates so far. If he has anything of value to say, he must have forgotten to include it in his silly article.

Sudha Shenoy - 6/6/2007

"He's a very inconsistent libertarian, though." Anglice, he _is_ consistent & does _not_ come out as a nut case. Now _that_ would be easy to handle...