Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

May 22, 2007

More Noted Things

Asian History Carnival #14 is up at Jottings from the Granite Studio! Grey Laden will host Four Stone Hearth on Wednesday 23 May. Send nominations of the best in archaeology/ anthropology blogging since 9 May to greg*at*DELETE-THISgregladen*dot*com. Martin Rundkvist will host an ancient/medieval edition of Carnivalesque Button at Aardvarkaeology on Thursday 24 May. Send nominations of the best in ancient/medieval history blogging since 25 March to arador*at*algonet*dot*se. And, frankly, your nominations are more credible if you're nominating something from someone else's blog.

Edward Rothstein,"Tick-Tock and Other Pulses of the West," NYT, 21 May, reviews Robert Friedel's A Culture of Improvement: Technology and the Western Millennium.

Sharon Howard,"Wikification: what can wiki do for you?" Early Modern Notes, 17 May, introduces us to wikis and cites examples of her use of them at the University of Sheffield's Humanities Research Institute.

Richard J. Evans,"Why It Happened the Way It Did," The Nation, 4 June, reviews the work of Ian Kershaw on Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Hat tip.

The University of Toronto's Lynne Viola, author of The Unknown Gulag: The Lost World of Stalin's Special Settlements, is blogging this week at OUPblog. Hat tip.

Finally, Andy Guess,"A Scholar Detained," Inside Higher Ed, 22 May, brings us up to date of the imprisonment of Haleh Esfandiari, about whom Manan Ahmed wrote here. There are several ways in which you can add your voice to those of others protesting to the government in Teheran.

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More Comments:

Nonpartisan - 5/22/2007

I would add the caveat that, for those of us who run group or community blogs, nominating the work of others on our sites for carnivals can be as powerful as nominating material from other sites. I personally have never nominated myself for either a Carnival or a Cliopatria award, as I consider it bad form, but I always nominate someone else deserving from my site, as well as at least one writer from another site.