Blogs > Liberty and Power > Beijing bans scary stories to protect young

May 16, 2007

Beijing bans scary stories to protect young

"China's capital is seizing ghost and horror books from shops to protect the 'physical and mental health' of its youngsters, local media said on Tuesday."

Read the entire article.

Clearly the authorities missed the insight of C.S. Lewis in"On Three Ways of Writing for Children":"A far more serious attack on... children’s literature comes from those who do not wish children to be frightened... that we must try to keep out of his mind the knowledge that he is born into a world of death, violence, wounds, adventure, heroism and cowardice, good and evil... [This] would indeed be to give children a false impression and feed them on escapism in the bad sense. There is something ludicrous in the idea of so educating a generation which is born to the Ogpu and the atomic bomb."

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