Blogs > Cliopatria > Holding My Breath for the Symposium

May 9, 2007

Holding My Breath for the Symposium

Last Wednesday, Scott Eric Kaufman declared a blogwide strike action. There will be no new posts at Acephalous until there are 500 comments on this post. A week later, we're at 411 and running out of things to say. Reliable recipes, unreliable gossip -- its all there. The Constructivist even posted his contribution to Cliopatria's symposium as a comment at Acephalous. Scott's head is exploding with acute perspectives, fecund observations, and poignant commentary. Have mercy on him. He's only got until midnight tonight to post his own contribution to the symposium! Cliopatricians, send your comments for the symposium to manan*at*uchicago*dot*edu; all other history bloggers, post your comments at your blog and send Manan the link.

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