David Beito has cordially invited me to take a guest spot on this blog for about a week, and I'm glad to welcome the opportunity. I'm Karen De Coster, and I'm writing from Detroit, Michigan. I'm the proprietor of a libertarian website/blog at
karendecoster.com, and I write for various publications, but most frequently for
LewRockwell.com and the
Mises Institute. I'm also on the Board of Scholars at the
Mackinac Institute for Public Policy, and I blog on various websites besides my own, including LewRockwell.com, Mises.org, and now, I am just starting to blog for Jacob Hornberger's
Future of Freedom Institute.
My real job, by day, is being a CPA/Business Consultant, specializing in tax consulting, estates/trusts, and similar. Currently, my preferred hobby is counting down the days until April 15th, when I’ll have the time to do my own taxes at approximately 11:45 pm, which will involve merely sending in an extension, and putting off the Pocket Pickers for another four more months.