Blogs > Cliopatria > Saturday Notes

Apr 28, 2007

Saturday Notes

Brandon Watson will host an early modern edition of Carnivalesque Button at Siris tomorrow, 29 April. It will feature the best in history blogging since 24 February on the period from ca 1450 to 1850 CE. Send nominations to Brandon at branemrys*at*yahoo*dot*com or carnivalesque*at* earlymodernweb*dot*org*dot*uk or use the form. Jeremy Boggs will host History Carnival at ClioWeb on Tuesday 1 May. Send nominations of the best in history blogging since 1 April to him at jeremy*at*clioweb*dot*org or use the form.

Angus Burgin,"Economist of the Empire," NYSun, 14 April, reviews Thomas K. McCraw's Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction. Hat tip.

At Blog Them Out of the Stone Age, Mark Grimsley has a series that he and Brooks Simpson have posted about the frustrations and pleasures of being interviewed for historical documentaries.

Lt. Col. Paul Yingling,"A Failure in Generalship," Armed Forces Journal, May, is a must read. Don't take my word for it. Chris Bray and Phil Carter say so.

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