
The Thinking Blog Awards were launched by The Thinking Blog. The rules are:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think, 2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme, 3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
At least eight of my colleagues at Cliopatria, Manan Ahmed's Chapati Mystery, Tim Burke's Easily Distracted, Miriam Elizabeth Burstein's Little Professor, Rebecca Goetz's Historianess, Mark Grimsley's Blog Them Out of the Stone Age and, with his colleagues, Civil Warriors, Sharon Howard's Early Modern Notes, David Kaiser's History Unfolding, and Hugo Schwyzer's Hugo Schwyzer have already been Awarded.
So, I'm going to tag five history blogs, unrelated to Cliopatria and with which you may be less familiar:
1. rachel's a historian's craft: New to the history blogosphere, rachel's blog is fresh, engaging, and thought provoking.
2. Daniel Larison's Eunomia: Here is broad-ranging, historically-informed contemporary commentary. Larison is a paleo-conservative and I'm not, but he always forces me to think about why I disagree with him, if I do.
3. Lawyers, Guns, and Money, a group blog: Is at another end of the political spectrum, but its commentary on contemporary issues is equally smart. Forewarning: they beat the c**p out of me the first time I left a comment over there, so don't do so unless you're well prepared.
4. Conrad H. Roth's Varieties of Unreligious Experience. Roth is, I think, a pseudonym, but he writes long, well-informed essays on a remarkably wide range of subjects.
5. Blogging the Renaissance, a group blog: Hieronimo, Inkhorn, Simplicius, and Truewit maintain a lively continuing discussion of the issues in their field.