Apr 23, 2007


Today I am happy to announce the launching of National Coalition for History's (NCH) new website at

The new website allows us to bring you real-time access to news as it is made in Washington through our new blog postings on the website and an RSS feed. The website also contains up-to-date issue briefs, and links to Congress, federal agencies and NCH member organizations. In addition, you are now able to access our CapWiz electronic congressional grassroots system through the website. As always, we will continue to e-mail our NCH Washington Update on Fridays.

NCH would like to express our appreciation to The History Channel and Chief Historian Dr. Libby O'Connell for their sponsorship of the site. The website was designed, and is being maintained, by the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University. I would like to thank Dr. Roy Rosenzweig, Dr. Tom Scheinfeldt, and our web designer Laura Veprek for their hard work in launching the new website. Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Peter Knupfer and H-NET, hosts of the original NCH website, for their years of support.

Here is a summary of the new NCH Website and Washington Update:

1. NCH and the weekly Washington Update are not going away. We are moving to a new home at

2. CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS The subscriber list that has been maintained by H-NET will be transferred to the new site and you should not see an interruption in service.

3. SPAM FILTERS: Since the NCH Washington Update is being sent from a new e-mail address; initially it may be tagged by your Internet Service Provider or security system as SPAM. During the first weeks after the transition, if you do not receive the NCH Washington Update on Friday, you should check your spam inbox since it may incorrectly being diverted there. You can prevent this by adding: to your browser's "safe list."

4. Both new and current subscribers WILL need to go to the new website to sign-up to receive the RSS feed. To sign up, go to:

If you are new to RSS feeds, here is a tutorial that will help you take advantage of this exciting technology:

5. NEW SUBSCRIBERS: A large number of readers receive the NCH Washington Update when it is forwarded from a colleague. We suggest that you consider subscribing yourself. The newsletter is free and your e-mail address will not be shared with anyone. To subscribe, go to

6. If you have any questions or problems receiving the newsletter, go to the website and click on the "contact button" at

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