Blogs > Liberty and Power > No bliss in feds' marriage initiative

Apr 16, 2007

No bliss in feds' marriage initiative

Re: The Native American Healthy Marriages Initiative, managed by the Administration for Native Americans:

The third theme gets to the real point of the report: ''Marriage seems to be particularly important in civilizing men, turning their attention away from dangerous, antisocial, or self-centered activities and towards the needs of a family.''

Excuse me, but did you just suggest that men of color are uncivilized? Indeed they did, on top of ''dangerous,'' ''antisocial'' and ''self-centered.'' The report's fourth theme elaborates these ideas in a manner I can only describe as bizarre: ''Marriage influences the biological functioning of adults and children in ways that can have important social consequences. For instance, marriage appears to drive down testosterone levels in men, with clear consequences for their propensity to aggression.''

My question is this: Are we equally concerned with the testosterone levels of other men, say, aggressive stock traders or the paladins orchestrating the war on terrorism?

Read "No bliss in feds' marriage initiative" by Scott Richard Lyons here.

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