Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday Notes

Apr 12, 2007

Thursday Notes

The inaugural Military History Carnival is up at Gavin Robinson's Investigations of a Dog. Martial festivities for everyone!

Keith Thomas,"History Revealed," TLS, 11 October, is an excellent article about the ways doing history have changed in the last 40 years. We missed this article at the time. I blame Sharon Howard for that.

Germaine Greer,"Yes, Frankenstein really was written by Mary Shelley. Its obvious because the book is so bad," Guardian, 9 April, reviews John Lauritsen's The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein. Greer's not persuaded. Hat tip.

John Gravois,"Trapped by Education," CHE, 6 April (free link to nonsubscribers), is an excellent report on the plight of too many African American graduate students, heavily concentrated in education programs and, increasingly, deeply in debt.

Our colleague, KC Johnson, was featured on ABC Nightline's review of the Duke lacrosse case last night. As I understand it, his blog, Durham-in-Wonderland, will continue to cover the prosecution of charges against Durham's DA, Mike Nifong. We look forward to KC's book, Until Proven Innocent: Political Correctness and the Shameful Injustices of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case. The North Carolina Attorney General's public statement just made its title more apt. We also look forward to KC's return to regular posting at Cliopatria, even as he takes up his appointment as Fulbright Distinguished Professor of the Humanities at the University of Tel Aviv in September.

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