Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday Notes

Apr 4, 2007

Wednesday Notes

Best YouTube takes on the"300" trailer: FlowerPower and GayDayz. Hat tip.

Peter Steinfels,"Was It a Hoax? Debate on a ‘Secret Mark' Gospel Resumes," NYT, 31 March, looks at a remarkable new debate about Morton Smith's elaborate claim in 1973 to have found a long lost"Gospel of Mark".

Scott McLemee,"Hard Wordes in Plaine English," Inside Higher Ed, 4 April, reviews the new reprint of Robert Cawdrey's A Table Alphabeticall (1604).

Jason Kuznicki has borrowed a downloadable pdf from the National Library of France and used the technology at to reprint and bind the 19th-century French classical liberal Charles Dunoyer's De la Liberté du travail. He's making it available at Kuznicki's World Historical Reprint Emporium. Jason will be publishing additional titles and invites suggestions from the Cliopatricians and readers of Cliopatria.

Neeley Tucker,"Swept Away by History," Washington Post, 4 April. Richmond's Museum of the Confederacy is clearly in trouble, financially strapped and obscured by high-rise urban growth. Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

Nina Bernstein,"Relatives of Interned Japanese-Americans Side with Muslims," NYT, 3 April. Cliopatria's friend, Eric Muller, is the lead attorney for the plaintiffs in filing the case.

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