Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Apr 2, 2007

More Noted Things

Peter Kirstein reports that the controversial political scientist, Norman Finkelstein, is engaged in a hotly contested battle for tenure at DePaul.

Saswat Pattanayak,"A Review of ‘The Darker Nations'," Radical Notes, 18 March, reviews Vijay Prashad's The Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World.

This week, HNN's mainpage features Digital Campus, the biweekly discussions among Dan Cohen, Mills Kelly, and Tom Scheinfeldt of"how digital media and technology are affecting learning, teaching, and scholarship at colleges, universities, libraries, and museums." Thus far: Episode 01: Wikipedia, Friend or Foe? and Episode 02: The Old and the YouTube.

Philip Carter,"Broken Arrow: How the U. S. Army Broke in Iraq," Slate, 30 March. I continue to believe that, if its signal of threats to our national security was as great as we were told, a serious administration would have made plans to raise taxes and re-institute the draft in the months after 9/11. Not doing so should have told us that the administration was fundamentally unprepared for national defense. Hat tip.

HNN's Rick Shenkman and Tenured Radical report on the OAH convention. Were they at the same meeting?

Finally, Mary Dudziak's"In Disturbing New Study, Economists find that History is Inefficient" was a big hit yesterday. In case you missed them, she followed it with"The Real Reason Tempe to Host Legal Historians: They Bought It on E-Bay" and"LBH Special Report: Historians are not Funny".

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