Blogs > Liberty and Power > David Horowitz calls Ron Paul a "Disgrace"

Mar 5, 2007

David Horowitz calls Ron Paul a "Disgrace"

On reading this, I am reminded by that General Edward S. Bragg once said of Grover Cleveland that"We love him for the enemies he has made." The folks at the Frontpage appear to be getting worried about Ron Paul. Here is what Horowitz has to say about him:

Some of my best friends are libertarians and the greatest intellectual influence on me was Hayek. However, in practical political matters, libertarians tend to live in alternate universe, without regard for the real world consequences of their actions. Ron Paul – the only Libertarian in Congress – is a disgrace. He has waged a war against America’s war on terror, in lockstep with the left, and against the state of Israel, the frontline democracy in this war.

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More Comments:

David T. Beito - 3/26/2007

I just hope that Ron Paul can get some traction. Up to this point, the media has been pretty much ignoring him.

Michael j Wagner - 3/23/2007

Of course Ron Paul is opposed to the "War on Terror." As he himself said "Terrorism is a tactic. You can't have a war against a tactic."
The war in Iraq is illegal and unconsitutional. And Iraq DID NOT attack the US. Most of the 9/11 hijackers were from our "friend" Saudi Arabia.
I support Ron Paul's efforts to return the US to the foreign policy our founders suggested: Peace, trade and friendly relations with all nations, alliances with NONE.

Lisa Casanova - 3/5/2007

Ah yes..that alternate universe where the government doesn't spend my money maiming the lives of countless young men and women in order to kill innocent people I've never even met. Certainly I must live in a fantasy.

Gus diZerega - 3/5/2007

David Horowitz libels Hayek. He is not worthy to even mention his name.