Blogs > Cliopatria > D'Ho, Junior

Mar 1, 2007

D'Ho, Junior

In"Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard," Townhall, 28 February, UNC, Wilmington's Mike S. Adams identifies Kent State historian, Julio César Pino, as the blogger at Global War. Adams works up quite a lather about Pino not being at his office to accept Adams' telephone call. And, for not returning his call on time, Adams appends a note that says: "Dr. Pino is still afraid to return Dr. Adams calls. Allah seems to have blessed the Cuban convert with an unusually small ‘julio-ju dilly'." A real class-act that Mike. Before it's over, Adams claims that Pino
deserves to be arrested and sent to an island off the coast of North America, striped naked, interrogated, and, if necessary, tortured to ascertain the extent of his involvement in assisting our enemies.
After we are done with him, he is free to return to Ohio. That is unless, of course, he is found to be something more than a professorial pansy posing as a genuine Jihadist.

Er – before we start torturing him, Mike, you might give us your evidence that Professor Pino is, in fact, the blogger at Global War.
Update: John Jameson, chair of the history department at Kent State, denies that Pino is owner of Global War. Pino may have contributed"news stories" to the site. See this full report from the Akron Beacon-Journal.

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Andrew D. Todd - 3/2/2007

Odd point: I looked at the Global War site, and what I noticed was that each item consisted of a wire service article, not properly footnoted, instead of giving a "money quote" and a link, the way all of us professional scholars are reflexively trained to do. The Global War blogger actually writes nothing more of his own than a snarky title. That is consistent with someone whose English is very limited. My impression is that the anonymous blogger is striving to give the impression of being a lot more literate than he actually is. For example, it reminds me of the Mainland Chinese blogger "Tektra" on the American Machinist blogsite. "Tektra" does things like posting girlie pin-ups, in an attempt to overcome the language barrier. That is very much the impression I gain of the Global War blogger. Even our HNN trolls are a lot more articulate than that!

I think that if someone like Professor Pino were to run a blog, he would like the sound of his own voice enough to express himself at somewhat greater length.

"'... the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.' 'The dog did nothing in the night-time.' 'That was the curious incident,' remarked Sherlock Holmes." (Alexander Conan-Doyle, "Silver Blaze," in _Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes_)

Ralph E. Luker - 3/1/2007

The other distressing thing about this is that Adams' Townhall opinion piece that is unsubstantuated with evidence is linked at Drudge, with its enormous readership, as a straightforward news story.

Timothy James Burke - 3/1/2007

I'm baffled. What made Adams think this professor is the author of that blog? It's stated straightforwardly in his entry, but there's nothing at all at the blog in question that indicates he is. I read through about 100 of the comments, which was no fun at all, wondering if he'd pop up and offer his reasoning.

Ralph E. Luker - 3/1/2007

Right on all counts, though it isn't clear from the Global War site that the picture is supposed to be one of its author. It may intend to be a "typical jihadist". I'd seen Pino identified as the person behind the Global War elsewhere, but nowhere have I seen clear evidence that he is.

Jonathan Dresner - 3/1/2007

It seems that Mr. Adams is not the first to make the connection. Oddly, though the picture on the Global War site doesn't look much like Pino, though it could just be an artistic rendering.... after all, while Pino is an historian, the Global War blogger describes himself as an "artist."