Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Still

Feb 28, 2007

More Noted Still

Rob MacDougall is your host for the Carnival of Bad History #13 at Old is the New New! He's got a really good eye for bad history. The"vanilla History Carnival" XLIX goes up at History is Elementary on Thursday 1 March. Send your nominations of the best in history blogging since 15 February to historyiselementary*at*yahoo*dot*com or use the form.

David Wooton,"Hugh Trevor-Roper's Last Subject," TLS, 14 February, reviews Trevor-Roper's Europe's Physician: The various life of Sir Theodore De Mayerne.

Meredith L. McGill,"Lurking in the Blogosphere of the 1840s: Hotlinks, Sockpuppets, and the History of Reading," Common-Place, January, follows Caleb McDaniel's"Blogging in the Early Republic: Why Bloggers Belong in the History of Reading," Common-Place, July 2005.

"Now, people keep talking about this grassy field at Gettysburg. But they don't say anything at all about the rest of Pennsylvania. And I don't need to tell you, Larry, that Pennsylvania is a very large state. And in most of Pennsylvania yesterday, no one was shooting at our soldiers."
-- Varina Davis to Larry King, July 4, 1863

Frank Askin,"Barred from the Ballot-Box," Legal Times, 26 February, looks at the late Chief Justice William Rehnquist's record -- from 1962 through his service on the Supreme Court -- of opposing other people's right to vote. Hat tip.

Daniel Drezner,"The New, New World Order," Foreign Affairs, March/April, argues that Middle Eastern difficulties obscure the Bush administration's reconfiguration of foreign policy to recognize China and India as emergent world powers.

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