Blogs > Liberty and Power > Are Congratulations in Order?

Feb 9, 2007

Are Congratulations in Order?

"The President intends to nominate Williamson Evers, of California, to be Assistant Secretary of Education (Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development). Dr. Evers currently serves as a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University."

Read more here.

I'm pretty sure this is the first time that a former member of the erstwhile Radical Caucus of the Libertarian Party has been appointed to the Bush administration. Are congratulations in order? And if so, to whom?

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More Comments:

M.D. Fulwiler - 2/13/2007

I don't think congratulations are in order as it's fairly obvious Evers has become a sell out.

Jesse Walker - 2/11/2007

Was Gale Norton in the Radical Caucus?

Sudha Shenoy - 2/10/2007

1. Gag. Evers was in Bremer's ruling group in Iraq. And Evers has done time previously on a couple of Presidential educational commissions.

2. Did you notice the truly monarchical note in the announcements? You could slot in 'Our Trusty & Well-Beloved" without missing a beat...

Sheldon Richman - 2/9/2007

Mark, you must be referring to a time long ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Less Antman - 2/9/2007

As another member of the Radical Caucus, as well as former membership director of the Libertarian Party Chocolate Caucus (our motto: FUDGE THE STATE!), I'm sure to be offered Undersecretary to the Second Assistant of the Chair of the Department of Bureaucracy Reduction (Repetitive Redundancy Division).