Blogs > Liberty and Power > Has Hagel Shrugged?

Feb 6, 2007

Has Hagel Shrugged?

What gives with Chuck Hagel? Few Senators had done more to push a non-binding resolution opposing the troop surge yet, when the zero hour came, he voted with the Bush administration to block such a resolution.

Can Hagel's behavior be explained or justified or is he a man who folds when the pressure is on?

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David T. Beito - 2/13/2007

We'll see. I like Hagel but his past record raises questions for me including his positive statements in favor of the draft not so long ago and his pro-war stand on Kosovo.

Jesse Walker - 2/8/2007

Hagel seems to have switched back:

Here's the Post's explanation for the zigzag: "Five of the seven Senate signatories to yesterday's letter...had voted Monday to block the debate. By showing party solidarity, they had hoped to pressure Democrats into allowing the consideration of other nonbinding measures, namely two that are more supportive of the administration's policy. But Democratic leaders refused to relent, and the long-awaited war debate -- or at least the opening chapter -- ended almost as soon as it began.

"The Republican senators attempted in their letter to clear up the apparent contradiction. 'Monday's procedural vote should not be interpreted as any lessening of our resolve to go forward,' the senators insisted. But they voiced the GOP leadership's view that other resolutions should receive an equal vetting."

David T. Beito - 2/8/2007

You're right. I should have stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago....though I do trust Ron Paul, somewhat.

Sheldon Richman - 2/7/2007

Very disappointing. But why was I expecting much to begin with?