Blogs > Cliopatria > Cliopatria and Friends at the AHA Convention

Jan 16, 2007

Cliopatria and Friends at the AHA Convention

 Cliopatria and Friends at the AHA 
Convention: Front row: Rob MacDougall, Tim Burke, 
Kevin Levin, and Rebecca Goetz. Back row: Jonathan Dresner and Ralph Luker.

Seated in front: Rob MacDougall, Tim Burke, Civil War Memory's Kevin Levin, and Rebecca Goetz.
Standing behind them: Frog in a Well's Jonathan Dresner and Ralph Luker.

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Kevin Levin - 1/16/2007

I know I've seen a few of these faces on the Post Office wall. Thanks again for the invitation Ralph. I had a great time and it was really nice to meet all of you.

Kevin at Civil War Memory

Ralph E. Luker - 1/16/2007

This is gonna look wacky until an HNN editor comes to my rescue to correct the coding. Until then, that's Rob MacDougall, Tim Burke, Kevin Levin, and Rebecca Goetz in the front; and Jonathan Dresner and me standing behind them.