Blogs > Cliopatria > Iraqification

Jan 14, 2007


Robert Kaiser states in the WaPo today that America is trapped by hubris, again. He covered Vietnam - and he wonders,

How did this happen again? After all, we're Americans -- practical, common-sense people who know how to get things done. Or so we'd like to think. In truth, we are ethnocentric to a fault, certain of our own superiority, convinced that others see us as we do, blithely indifferent to cultural, religious, political and historical realities far different from our own. These failings -- more than any tactical or strategic errors -- help explain the U.S. catastrophes in Vietnam and Iraq.

But, after all that, guess what he concludes? American intervention in nations around the globe should have more modest aims - politically and militarily. Also, be certain you really understand the society you propose to transform.

Got it.

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More Comments:

Adam Kotsko - 1/15/2007

This is the "nice liberal" version of the common conservative idea that victory depends ultimately on a certain tenacity of will. The liberal version has the advantage of at least making token reference to some parts of reality, but the vast blind spots are pretty obvious.

Manan Ahmed - 1/14/2007

I mean seriously! The only thing that has prevented American victories in Vietnam and Iraq is lack of understanding and empathy? How self-centered can this get?

Jonathan Dresner - 1/14/2007

When was the last time we went to war, especially a transforming war, against a people who we did understand well?

WWII against the Germans might qualify....