Blogs > Cliopatria > Common Sense

Jan 11, 2007

Common Sense

On January 10, 1776, Thomas Paine published, anonymously, his pamphlet, Common Sense. I actually didn't remember this but Washington Post's very helpful Today in History reminded me.

Which also reminded me that sometimes in July, 2006, I had decided to annotate and translate Common Sense into Urdu. I admit that the only progress I made on this so far is to get the title translated - trust me, it was far harder than you'd imagine. I also read through Paine's Rights of Man and The Age of Reason.

I honestly don't know if I can do this judiciously - or at all. But, with 2008 being the year when Pakistan's resident dictator decides, again, to suspend democracy and freedom - with the help of the White House - I think it will be my fruitless gesture.

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