Blogs > Cliopatria > Week of Jan. 8, 2007

Jan 17, 2007

Week of Jan. 8, 2007

  • Re: Who Writes History? Milhem Chaoul, a professor of sociology at the University of Lebanon, commenting on the civil war in Lebanon :

    Typically the victor writes the history. The problem with the civil war was that nobody won, and you still can’t write its history because we are still not at peace.

  • Re: Jaywalking Arrest of Historian Editorial in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution :

    Other than librarians, it's hard to imagine a less rambunctious group than historians. Yet, one of the world's premier historians ended up in jail during last week's American Historical Association convention in downtown Atlanta.

  • Re: Iraq Greg Palast :

    George W. Bush has an urge to surge.  Like every junkie, he asks for just one more fix:  let him inject just 21,000 more troops and that will win the war.

    Been there.  Done that.  In 1965, Tom Paxton sang,

      Lyndon Johnson told the nation
      Have no fear of escalation.
      I am trying everyone to please.
      Though it isn't really war, 
      We're sending 50,000 more
      To help save Vietnam from the Vietnamese.

    Four decades later, Bush is asking us to save Iraq from the Iraqis. 

    There's always a problem with giving a junkie another fix.  It can only make things worse. 

  • Re: Black HolocaustHeadline in the Village Voice:

    The Black Holocaust: After hundreds of thousands of black Muslim corpses, is the genocide at last over?

  • Re: Jaywalking Incident News story concerning the professor arrested for jaywalking:

    "I told him, it's gonna be awful silly if I have to take you to jail for jaywalking," said [Atlanta Policeman Kevin] Leonpacher, a native of Niceville, Fla."I used an excessive amount of discretion.
  • Re: Moai
    Pedro Edmunds Paoa, the mayor of Hanga Roa (Easter Island):

    We don’t want to become an archaeological theme park, a Disney World of moai. If we are going to keep on restoring moai there has to be a good reason to do so.

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