Blogs > Cliopatria > Departmental Reports

Jan 9, 2007

Departmental Reports

Transparency in Graduate Education Department: Scott Jaschik,"Can You Rank Crotchetiness?" Inside Higher Ed, 9 January, focuses on the AHA convention's discussion of transparency in graduate programs in history that featured our colleague, Tim Burke.

Surely-They-Didn't-Steal-The-Whole-Thing Department: FIRE's Speech Code of the Month features the Code of Student Conduct at North Carolina's Fayetteville State University. Among other things, it enjoins students against cheating and plagiarism. Unfortunately, the Code, itself, repeats verbatim and without attribution, at least a part of the University of Michigan code that was found unconstitutional by a federal court in Doe v University of Michigan in 1989.

Movin'-On-Up Department: The New York Times reports that Drew Gilpin Faust, the dean of Radcliffe Institute, is among the women who may be under consideration for president at Harvard. Thanks to Caleb McDaniel for the tip. Further south, Edward L. Ayers, dean of arts & sciences at the University of Virginia, has been named the new president of the University of Richmond.

Let's-Get-Real Department: Whereas, the University of Alabama blah-blah-blah; Resolved, that it should come out of its University-closet and declare itself simply a football team.

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More Comments:

Rebecca Anne Goetz - 1/9/2007

I've been saying for awhile that Drew Faust would make a great president for Harvard. Let's cross our fingers!

David T. Beito - 1/9/2007

Better yet, the University of Alabama should sell off the team as a franchise to an investor. The players would be put on salary and would not be permitted to enroll as students.

If the team became a for-profit operation, the alumni could be removed of the burden of supporting it (and thus have more money for the academic side) and the fans could still cheer for the team.