Robert's comments about the Deming case are largely on the money from my perspective.
As much as that story is about an attack on one faculty member's tenure, it's far more of an administrative horror story (as I noted in the comments section of
my original post). The irony, of course, is that I am an associate dean these
days, so I suppose I should view these all as cautionary tales. My own guess
is that, like the problem of political correctness, the problem of rogue administrators
is worst at mid-level state universities (as opposed to top Tier I schools),
where it's more likely that you'll find faculty and deans who overestimate their
importance both in terms of their intellectual contributions and their ability
to make the trains run on time. At a place like mine, a small upper Tier II liberal
arts college, these things are less of a problem, I think.
I'm in the third year of a three-year administrative appointment and my dean
has just begun a campus-wide performance review. He has specifically asked
for letters from folks who work closely with me, and will send out a broader
campus call for information shortly. That's one way to get accountability I
suppose. In a small place, with relatively few layers of administration in
academic affairs, that's probably easier to do. In any case, I don't see the
systematic threat to tenure, nor do I see Deming's situation as just being
about tenure. It certainly points to other problems in higher ed, as Robert
rightly notes.