Blogs > Liberty and Power > Yellow Ribbons and Miniature American Flags for Everyone!

Dec 30, 2006

Yellow Ribbons and Miniature American Flags for Everyone!

"We got him!"

No, sorry, not Osama bin Laden or Ayman al-Zawahiri – the men responsible for the mass murder of September 11th, 2001. They are still chillin' in the Hindu Kush, occasionally sending out podcasts predicting American military operations in Africa and such, but otherwise laying low.

But we got Saddam! Former loyal tool of the CIA dating back to 1959 and mass murderer in his own right.

And it only took America killing as many Iraqis as he did to"bring him to justice."


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Aeon J. Skoble - 12/30/2006

Well, on the one hand, I'll hate seeing this spun into any kind of affirmation of the way in which the war was handled, which you're right to note. But on the other hand, don't expect any tears from me on behalf of this maniac. Sic semper tyrannis.