Blogs > Liberty and Power > Johnny, We Know Ye All Too Well

Feb 4, 2004

Johnny, We Know Ye All Too Well

As a charter member of ABB-04 (Anybody But Bush in 2004) I am naturally keeping an eye on John Kerry. Oh yes, his antiwar message is badly muddled by his vote in favor of the blank check Bush asked for. His faux naivete is pathetic. ("I was voting for a process." No, you were voting for a war.) But last night I was really disturbed when, on claiming victory in five states, he trotted out his line about"Benedict Arnold" corporations that move out of the country to reduce their taxes. This idiotic populism, nationalism, and protectionism might be too hard to take.

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John T. Kennedy - 2/5/2004

"This idiotic populism, nationalism, and protectionism might be too hard to take."

You find it gratifying that the most hawkish candidate was eliminated from the race; I find it more amusing that voters are reduced to endorsing one of the remaining disgraceful choices.

Keith Halderman - 2/4/2004

Let's face it, which ever one of these idiots win the rest of us will lose one way or another. Comcast had a little audio clip of Kerry, right after the vote, sayng the first thing he would do is role back the tax cut.
Keith Halderman