Blogs > Cliopatria > More Things Noted

Dec 16, 2006

More Things Noted

At Acephalous, Scott Eric Kaufman throws a holiday party for History Carnival XLV!

Alastair Sooke,"Chronicles of the Beast," TLS, 13 December, reviews recent work on the history of the Evil One. Thanks to Arts & Letters Daily for the tip.

"100 Things We Didn't Know This Time Last Year," BBC News, 30 December 2005, includes at least 99 that I still didn't know until December 2006. Johnny Gunn,"America Before Pearl Harbor: Early Polychrome Images," Progressive Historians, 7 December, is a remarkable collection of period photographs. Thanks to Rob MacDougall, whose The New New: Internet Links to Confound and Bemuse I've shamelessly raided. Otherwise, Rob invites you to join his tour of old, weird America in"Wichita Mind Control," Old is the New New, 14 December.

Kevin Mattson's"History Lesson: Those who don't know history are doomed to distort it–and our political discourse," Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, Winter, is taking a beating from David Noon and Siva Vaidhyanathan.

In"War and Peace: Horn of Africa Edition," Tim Burke advocates American non-intervention in Somalia and his conservative friend, withywindle, defends the Bush administration as the very model of restraint.

Finally, Happy Hannukkah to all of those who celebrate it.

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