Blogs > Cliopatria > Care About Military History? It's Time to Ante Up

Feb 20, 2007

Care About Military History? It's Time to Ante Up

Cross-posted from Blog Them Out of the Stone Age.

If you care about military history, it's time to step up to the plate. We've got an opportunity that we'd better not let pass.

Wisconsin has at last undertaken to fill the Ambrose-Hesseltine Chair in American Military History. That's good news, but nothing has changed in the fiscal realities that until now have hindered a search. The university is still in a serious financial crunch, and the A-H endowment is underpowered. A million bucks just isn't what it used to be. To pay the salary and benefits for a top flight historian, the endowment has to generate a lot more revenue than it does currently. I would estimate the annual yield at between $40,000 and $50,000. That's something, but not enough.

If you care about military history, make a donation to the A-H endowment.

Here's why: The recent publicity surrounding the A-H chair guarantees that a fresh wave of donations -- even and perhaps especially small-scale donations -- will get publicized as well. It will serve as testimony to the level of interest in military history and believe me, it's something that will put dollar signs in the eyes of cash hungry university administrators across the country.

Here's how . . .

Option A: Make an online donation by clicking this link. It's preset to facilitate gifts to the Department of History. All you need to do is fill in the amount you want to have charged to your credit card, specify that your gift is restricted to the Ambrose-Hesseltine Chair Endowment, and complete the gift processing and contact information sections. I've made a donation this way and the process takes less than five minutes.

Option B: Send a check to this address, with"Ambrose-Hesseltine Chair Endowment" on the memo line:

University of Wisconsin Foundation
US Bank Lockbox
PO Box 78807
Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807

Either way, your donation is tax deductible. For more information, visit the University of Wisconsin Foundation web site, especially its FAQ.

Memo to John J. Miller of National Review Online: When "Sounding Taps" appeared, I accused you of crying crocodile tears for military history. Make me a liar. Publicize this post on Phi Beta Cons, and encourage your readers to contribute.

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More Comments:

Mark Grimsley - 12/5/2006

Wow, that was prompt on his part--and thanks for letting me know.

Sherman Jay Dorn - 12/5/2006

He's at least mentioned it as of an hour ago.