Blogs > Liberty and Power > Hagel and Bringing Back the Draft

Dec 2, 2006

Hagel and Bringing Back the Draft

Chuck Hagel is shaping up to be the favorite of antiwar libertarians for 2008. It is not hard to understand why. On a range of issues, from gun control to the Iraq War, he outshines the other candidates in both parties.

Before antiwar libertarians get too carried away, however, they should ponder what Hagel had to say in 2004 on bringing back the draft .

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David T. Beito - 12/7/2006

This has long been true to some extent. During the 1970s, for example, a Minnesota libertarian friend of mine called a local talk show and asked a candidate of the Socialist Workers Party if he would support a draft by a "workers state." After a tense interlude, he sheepishly admitted that he would. It would a great gotcha moment.

Eric Dondero - 12/6/2006

Isn't it ironic some of the most hardcore Anti-Draft Activists are also Pro-War on Islamo-Fascism. We're simply Pro-Civil Liberties all around.

We don't want the government telling us what to do, nor Muslim religious fanatics

Eric at

Aeon J. Skoble - 12/3/2006

...but despicable nonetheless. No one who talks that way should collect a single libertarian vote.

Charlie Hinderliter - 12/2/2006

Senator Hagel has advocated bringing back the draft because the Iraq war has decimated our volunteer army. Were he to be elected I would expect that rebuilding the all volunteer military would be a top priority of his (as well as getting out of Iraq).