Blogs > Cliopatria > The Ancient History Sphere

Nov 24, 2006

The Ancient History Sphere

Historians of more recent periods may be unaware of the vitality of the ancient history blogosphere. Some of its blogs are, well, ancient and well-known by blogospheric standards. Alun Salt's Archaeoastronomy, Jim Davila's PaleoJudaica, and David Meadows's Rogue Classicism come to mind. Others are new and, some of them, highly specialized. If you're aware of others that we don't know about – especially, perhaps, others with an interest in ancient Asian, African, and American civilizations -- we'd be glad to hear about them. In the meantime, browse among these:

  • Ancient Transportation
  • Archaeoastronomy
  • Ancient/Classical History
  • Ancient Near
  • Antiquity a Rewarding Study
  • Apocryphicity
  • Archaeoblog
  • ARLT, The Association for Latin Teaching *
  • Atriades
  • Blogographos*
  • Bread and Circuses
  • Busybody *
  • Campvs Mawrtivs *
  • Classical Archaeology
  • Classics in Contemporary Culture
  • Curculio
  • Errantry: Novak's Journal
  • Excavation Blog from Çatalhöyük *
  • Glaukôpidos
  • Greek Colonial Pottery in Italy
  • Iconoclasm
  • Mediterranean Archaeology
  • Memorabilia Antonina
  • Muziris
  • PaleoJudaica
  • PhDiva
  • Portable Antiquities Blog
  • Recent Finds
  • Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean
  • Rogue Classicism
  • Roman Archaeology
  • Roman History Books
  • Roman Times
  • Rome Historian's Blog
  • Sparta
  • Thoughts on Antiquity
  • Tropaion *

  • * Group Blogs

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