Blogs > Liberty and Power > Simon Jenkins: The Occupancy of Iraq Has Passed from Brutality to Mere Idiocy

Nov 17, 2006

Simon Jenkins: The Occupancy of Iraq Has Passed from Brutality to Mere Idiocy

"To talk of a collapse into civil war if 'we leave' Iraq is to completely misread the chaos into which that country has descended under our rule. It implies a model of order wholly absent on the ground. Foreign soldiers can stay in their bases, but they will no more 'prevent civil war' than they can 'import democracy'. They are relevant only as target practice for insurgents and recruiting sergeants for al-Qaida. The occupation of Iraq has passed from brutality to mere idiocy."

Simon Jenkins concludes:

"Bush and Blair are men in a hurry, and such men lose wars. If there is a game plan in Tehran it will be to play Iraq long. Why stop the Great Satan when he is driving himself to hell in a handcart? If London and Washington really want help in this part of the world they must start from diplomatic ground zero. They will have to stop the holier-than-thou name-calling and the pretence that they hold any cards. They will have to realise that this war has lost them all leverage in the region. They can insult and sanction and threaten. But there is nothing left for them to ‘do’ but leave. They are no longer the subject of that mighty verb, only its painful object."

To read his essay, go here.

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