Blogs > Liberty and Power > Rumsfeld's Legacy

Nov 11, 2006

Rumsfeld's Legacy

The CNN idiot is telling me today I should wear all my medals to celebrate Veterans Day and impress my friends and honor the state. We have become the Soviet Union and the good thing is the state's demise must be nearer than we think, given where we are already.

For Veterans Day, I drafted my take on Rumsfeld. I hope he gets to read it, because I think that sadly, he would have to agree with me. Enjoy Rumsfeld's Legacy!

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Darren Michael Peterson - 11/13/2006

Where Sec. Rumsfeld fell short are numerous and significant. First was his participation and reliance on "think tanks" like PNAC with their "incestuous propaganda".

Between the myth propogated by the PNAC that we would be "Welcome with open arms!" and Sec. Rumsfeld's complete lack of strategic versus tactical thinking he was mistaken that beating the Iraqi army would equate to victory... or, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" if you will.

The Generals who have studied and dedicated their lives in the art of war and the political ramifications of military actions were disregarded as dragging their feet, resisiting change, not thinking outside the box, risk averse... the list goes on.

Sec. Rumsfeld's agenda was to transform the military and this was, and is an honorable goal. It is criminal though when you fight a current war based on a future military paradigm.

I do not believe that history will be kind to Sec. Rumsfeld. There are enough books now detailing the clear messages from the military planners and the dismissal of Sec. Rumsfeld.

Kenneth R Gregg - 11/11/2006

In the end, he was a mediocre advisor to a mediocre president. He never knew. What a shame to have these as representatives of the United States of America.

Gus diZerega - 11/11/2006

The title said it all.