Blogs > Cliopatria > On War and Empire

Oct 31, 2006

On War and Empire

Niall Ferguson,"How to Win a War," New York Magazine, 23 October, speaks of"the use of computer wargames in learning about history and strategy." At Airminded and Revise and Dissent, Brett Holman argues that Ferguson essentially misunderstands their usefulness. Thanks to Jeremy Boggs at ClioWeb for the tip.

Eric Rauchway,"Redemption Song," American Prospect, 31 October, reviews two important recent books on Reconstruction after the Civil War.

UC, Irvine's Emily Rosenberg,"Bursting America's Imperial Bubble," CHE, 3 November, reviews five important recent books on American empire.

In"Oh, the Irony!" J. R. Clark, the Unpopular Historian, interviews a high ranking Bush administration official about Vietnam and Iraq.

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