Blogs > Liberty and Power > Wanted: More Signers for AHA Free Speech Resolution

Oct 10, 2006

Wanted: More Signers for AHA Free Speech Resolution

We still need more signers for our resolution(shown below) opposing the use of speech codes to restrict academic freedom. It will be voted on at the January business meeting of the American Historical Association in Atlanta. To get the resolution on the agenda, however, twenty-five paid-up members have to sign before October 13.

Write as soon as possible to David T. Beito at if you are willing to sign and belong to the AHA.


Whereas, The American Historical Association has already gone on record against the threat to academic freedom posed by the Academic Bill of Rights; and

Whereas, Free and open discourse is essential to the success of research and learning on campus; and

Whereas, Administrators and others have used campus speech codes and associated non-academic criteria to improperly restrict faculty choices on curriculum, course content, and personnel decisions; and

Whereas, Administrators and others have also used speech codes to restrict free and open discourse for students and faculty alike through such methods as"free speech zones" and censorship of campus publications; therefore be it

Resolved, The American Historical Association opposes the use of speech codes to restrict academic freedom.

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