Blogs > Cliopatria > A Nuclear Korea

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Jonathan Dresner - 10/10/2006

I've read a couple of blogs to that effect (e.g.) suggesting that they got a rapid meltdown rather than a full-bore detonation -- apparently a common error with plutonium bomb designs -- but also some speculation that they might have insulated the detonation so as to disguise the full effect: we don't know enough to be sure.

My initial reaction to the "fizzle" theory is that a fizzled plutonium reaction is still the dirty-bomb-from-hell, a nasty addition to an already over-armed and paranoid regime.

Rebecca Anne Goetz - 10/9/2006

Some of the blogs are reporting that NK's test actually failed. Maybe we don't need to duck and cover yet!!

Christopher Newman - 10/9/2006

Heh. Indeed.

Jonathan Dresner - 10/9/2006

It's better than "Kiss your a@@ goodbye" which is the direct translation.

Thanks, Manan, for Bert.

Adam Kotsko - 10/9/2006

"Duck and cover" sounds an awful lot like "cut and run."