Blogs > Liberty and Power > What is Columbus Day doing to "Americans"?

Oct 8, 2006

What is Columbus Day doing to "Americans"?

A new article by Scott Richard Lyons of St. John Fisher College:
"What Columbus Day does to Americans?"

Indeed, one might observe that these Columbian imperialist values are diametrically opposed to the more Jeffersonian American values of democracy, liberty and equality.... There is no room for American Indian history, the past that we're still living today, in official commemorations of Columbus. The same can be said for Americans of any ethnic persuasion who detest imperialism, whether in the Americas, Vietnam, or the Middle East.

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More Comments:

Roderick T. Long - 10/10/2006

Yup. Las Casas was more enlightened than his contemporaries, but sadly, that's not saying much.

Colossus Hube - 10/10/2006

Didn't Las Casas advocate using Africans in place of Indians for American slavery?

Sheldon Richman - 10/9/2006

Hear, hear, Roderick! And thanks for the post, Amy.

Roderick T. Long - 10/9/2006

Here's something I wrote on this topic three years ago.